Thursday 18 November 2010

Zoom practice...

For one of the opening shots in our teaser trailer, we're going to have the camera zoom in on a house as an introduction to the first scene. We wanted the shot to be quick, so we planned on speeding up whatever we shot. To see what method would be the best way to film the shot, we practiced in various different ways. We planned to do an attempt by attaching the camera to a tripod, and the tripod to a dolly, and rolling the tripod towards the house. We changed our minds after more thought as we realised it would be impractical to film outside as we would have had to roll it over different terrains, and possibly up onto a curb which would be difficult to manage. We put our other attempts into a video to show the different affects each method gave the shot.

We decided on using the camera wheel because compared to the other two methods we tried it came out superior. The hand held attempt we thought looked slightly amateur which was something we were eager to avoid. The wheely chair we found was just as impractical, if not more so than the tripod dolly, and was more of a hopeful experiment rather than an actual possibility. The camera wheel was by far the most successful attempt, as it was easily portable so caused no inconvenience, and also steadied the camera more than we could've done through holding it ourselves. In general it looked the most professional of the three, which left us with a relatively easy decision to make.

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