From the four pictures we had to choose from, this is the one we felt was the most effective, mainly because of the interesting angle and also that the death tag and hand were closer to the camera than in any other shot. To improve the picture we had, we changed the position of the actors names to along the top of the poster, which is where we found most posters put the names of the actors in the film. We also made the font red, to coincide with the black,white and red theme we had running through our ancillary products. The final change we made was adding in a slogan. From looking at existing film posters in the research stages, we found that alot of film posters included a small slogan which described the film in a nutshell. We chose for our slogan, 'nothings certain...not even death'. We liked this slogan as it linked directly to the title of the film, as there is no certainty that the characters are dead, it can only be 'presumed'. Also it would add further mystery to the cliffhanger ending we have in our teaser trailer, making viewers even more eager to see the film when its released as they feel they can't assume anything with the film, not even that a hand with a death tag attached belongs to a dead body.
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