Monday 10 January 2011

Change of Plan...

Despite not wanting all the work we had done to go to waste, we weren't happy with the progress we had made in filming our parody teaser trailer. While we were really excited about our idea initially, after filming most of our footage and beginning to edit, we realised that what we had wasn't very professional looking. Our idea turned out to be better on paper than it was on the screen, and when we asked our teacher to take a look at it, she agreed that what we had wasn't good enough to get us the grade we were hoping for. We didn't think we would be able to make the parody good enough, without re-filming almost everything we had done. So after discussing with our teachers what our best option would be, we came to the decision to start again with a new idea. Our new plan is to do the teaser trailer for a horror, as when brainstorming horror seemed to be the genre which we both had some basic ideas for.

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