Monday 31 January 2011

Film Title...

We came up with our new film idea before thinking about anything else, so we could work everything else around the storyline we had created. This meant when going on to think about possible titles for our film, we already had a basic outline of our teaser trailer, which we wanted to have a direct link to the name we agreed on. We brainstormed for a bit, shouting out any titles that came into our heads, and decided on a few which we thought were good, but more importantly suitable to the plot we'd decided on. The titles we came up with were...
  • Awakened
  • Easy Targets
  • Chosen Targets
  • Presumed Dead
  • Breaking and Entering
  • Intrusion
As we had already lost valuable time on our previous idea, we gave people an overview of our film, and then asked them to choose which title they thought best fit our film. The title which turned out to be the most popular was 'Presumed Dead', which we also thought was one of the better titles we'd come up with. It focuses on the fact that the bodies we assume to be dead for the maority of the teaser, turn out to still be alive. This is what we hope will be the lasting memory in the minds of people who watch it, as it puts questions into the audiences head, questions which can only be answered by going to watch the film. The title presumed dead emphasising this selling point, making it a great match for our teaser trailer.

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