Thursday 16 September 2010

Final Decision...

After considering three of my options for what production piece to make, i decided on doing a teaser trailer. This is mainly because of the ancillary tasks involved with each option, as well as the weaknesses of the other alternatives.
The three options were:
  • A Short Film - Film Poster/Radio Trailer
  • A Teaser Trailer - Film Poster/Film magazine front cover
  • A Documentary Extract - Radio Trailer/Newspaper Advert

While i initially thought that i could do any of the three to a high standard, after focusing more on what work i'd be giving myself, i realised that by doing a teaser trailer, i would be starting from a better position, as i've seen teaser trailers on tv and understand the basic concepts of them. Short films and documentaries however, were areas of media that i didn't know well, and to choose them would mean to learn about them from scratch, learning the basic conventions and typical features of them.

The Ancillary tasks also led me to my decision to choose a teaser trailer. First i chose the two ancillary tasks i would do for each option from the three we were provided with. Again, the ancillary tasks for the teaser trailer were things i could picture, and knew where to start with. I was less comfortable with the idea of creating radio trailers, for one because they're hard to research and get examples of, but also it would've restricted me to what i could do, as i wouldn't be able to use anything visual to promote the piece, which is what i decided i wanted to do.

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