Sunday 19 September 2010

Teaser Trailers vs Theatrical Trailers...

Teaser Trailers differ hugely from Theatrical Trailers for a number of reasons...
  • Teaser Trailers are usually only between 30 and 60 seconds long/Theatrical Trailers are most often nearer to 2 minutes long.
  • Teaser Trailers are released often when the film is still in production, to make audiences aware that its coming (or TEASE them)/Theatrical Trailers are realeased only a few weeks before the cinema release of the film, to let audiences know the film is out/coming out.
  • Teaser Trailers show little to none of the film itself, both to keep audiences wondering and as the film is usually still being made/Theatrical Trailers tend to show lots of clips from the film in order to sell it to people watching.
  • Teaser Trailers give away as little as possible of the storyline as possible/Theatrical Trailers can often give away the storyline by explaining the plot of the film to attract audiences to come and watch it.
  • Teaser Trailers could be compared to the warm up of a film - giving the audience something to anticipate about/Theatrical Trailers are the sprint finish - putting everything the film has to offer into the trailer to try and make people pay to see it.

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