Tuesday 21 September 2010

Red Eye Teaser Trailer...

The teaser trailer for Red Eye is misleading as it originally portrays the film as a romantic comedy type film- yet it is later revealed that it is a thriller. The music in the trailer is used to set the 'fake' mood at the beginning, again changing dramatically as the trailer turns much more serious, with the upbeat tune changing suddenly to face paced drum beats, completely altering the tone of the trailer. While showing a number of clips of the man and woman speaking, they give away no information about the real plot of the film, only allowing the audience to know that they have met while waiting for a delayed plane. The facial expressions of the characters are used alot as well, probably to keep the actual story a secret, as well as to show the huge change in mood between the beginning and the end of the trailer. The trailer includes black shots with the words that a narrator is speaking on the screen, shown in between the shots of the film. These kind of clips allow the narrator to give the audience the basic outline of the film, without giving away any detail of the film. The beginning, lighthearted part of the trailer is during the daytime, which is used specifically to add to the mood of the trailer, suggesting the film is easy-watching. This technique is reversed later in the trailer as it is suddenly night time when the true nature of the film is revealed, being a dark and fearful storyline. The trailer includes information about the director of the film- Wes Craven, as well as some of the films he'd previously directed. This has been added in to attract more people to the film, as the majority of people are well aware of the horror films like 'Scream' and 'Nightmare on Elm Street' and how successful they were as horror films. This information, therefeore, will make the film appeal to people who may not have been convinced up to that point. The Mise-en-scene is another feature used to display the strong contrast between the tone of the beginning of the trailer and that of the end of it. For the first half of the trailer, the man and woman are in the airport, surrounded by people, giving a sense of their safety. When the trailer becomes darker towards the end, the woman is not only on the plane where she cannot escape, but she is sat with the villain betwen her and the aisle, giving a feel that she is completely trapped. The editing of the trailer is used cleverly, as the clips are short, giving the audience the minimum amount of detail about the film. Also the pace of the shots throughout the trailer is relatively quick, increasing even more when the thriller side of the trailer begins. The editing of the villains 'red eye' nearing the end of the trailer also cleverly links the story back to the title of the film.

Overrall, this teaser trailer is unlike the usual teaser trailer, mainly for the fact it is a minute longer than alot would be. However, it still keeps all the important facts of the film hidden, and also importantly keeps the ending of the film a secret, giving the audience a reason to want to see the film.

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